Possums are invading Williamstown homes in large numbers this winter, according to Tim of Pest Control Empire. Possums prefer the hollowed out parts of trees to live in but these are very few and far between these days. As a result, they have become comfortable living in the roof space of homes throughout Melbourne. Tim says Williamstown has been a particularly popular area so far this year. He notes, “There are quite large and lavish homes in Williamstown. The majority of homes are also quite old. Natural wear and tear has allowed for access points to develop. A curious possum will soon find any access point and take up residence in your home!”
Locating the point of entry is the first and most important step in possum control. An opening about the size of a clenched fist is all that’s required for this furry creature to gain access. The hole could be under a gable, through a broken tile, or underneath lose tin sheeting. Possums will even inspect a subfloor area for access into a wall cavity. If found, they will easily climb the wall cavity and secure themselves in the roof.
Once identified, a plan needs to be devised to evict the unwanted guest. If the access point in via the subfloor, you should ensure access to this area is denied. However, it would be best to close off the area well after dark when the creature is likely to be outside feeding. The last thing you want to do is trap it in the house! The same method applies if the possum is gaining entry through a tin roof. There’s no point closing the entry until you are confident the invader is outside as you will have no alternative but to reopen the access point. For these reasons possum removal can be an expensive exercise as it often requires the attendance of a pest manager well after business hours.
If the roof is tiled the options are far easier. The entry point should be closed and a one-way door installed close to where the nest has been established. The possum will realise his usually entry and exit point has been closed off and he will soon investigate other escape routes. If you place food underneath where the door is installed it will attract him to this location far sooner. The door is put in place of a tile. The creature can exit but the construction of the door does not allow for re-entry. Once satisfied that the possum is evicted it is then safe to remove the door and replace it with the tile.
Tim continues, “Many clients want me to poison these animals like I would do for a rat or mouse. However, the possum is native to Australia and is therefore a protected species. In fact, there are far ranging rules and regulations that apply to these animals that can impact severely on a pest manager who does the wrong thing”. Knowledge of the law is essential so that no breaches of legislation are made as considerable fines and possible loss of a pest control licence can apply. For more information click this link to be taken to the DEPI website.
The team at Pest Control Empire are very experienced and practice safe removal methods. For a no obligation free quote for any pest control matter simply contact 1300 665 573 or complete the Contact Us form and we will respond to your enquiry as soon as possible.