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    Rat Pest Control Melbourne

    Rats have long been considered deadly pests and effective rat control is a must. Along with the mouse, the rat is a type of rodent and is one of the most objectionable animals on the planet. Originating in Asia, they have spread worldwide as a stowaway on sea-faring vessels. In our early explorations we inadvertently accommodated the spread of this menace, damaging the ecosystems of foreign lands in the process. In fact, the rat has been blamed with the extinction of many bird and reptile species. The only uninhabited continent is Antarctica, due it its hostile climate and lack of human habitation.

    Rats are considered vicious, filthy, parasitic animals that contaminate and steal food. They’re also a major source of disease, with the bubonic plague credited to rodents and the fleas that fed on them. They live among us as we provide their three basic needs: food, water and shelter. They are prolific breeders, so a vigilant and methodical rodent control policy is required to avoid a hostile takeover.

    While we may not use enchanting music to lead these animals out of town like the Pied Piper, we do have our own finely tuned methods of rodent control. Employing an integrated pest management approach, we tailor a strategy that meets your individual needs. We service the residential, commercial and industrial sector and stand by our excellent history of effective control.

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    Different species of rats in Melbourne

    • The black rat (also known as the ship, roof or house rat); &
    • The brown rat (also known as the Norway, street, sewer or wharf rat).

    The black species has a scraggly coat and is smaller than its brown counterpart. They are omnivores and consume a wide variety of foods including fruit, leaves, stems, seeds, fungi, insects, birds and reptiles.

    They pose a major threat to farmers, feasting on crops including cereals, cocoa, oranges and coffee beans. Their preference is for a warm climate so they often harbour in residential homes, warehouses and food industry facilities. Nests are commonly found in roofs and wall cavities.

    The brown variety is the best known and most common of the two. With rare exceptions, this mammal lives wherever we do, particularly urban areas. Their fur is coarse and usually brown or dark grey. It’s larger than the black rat and can weigh twice as much.

    It is however an old wives tale that they grow as large as a domestic cat! It’s a true omnivore and will eat just about anything. They live and sleep in burrows but can be found in homes, work places, sewers and laneways.

    Fear of these loathsome creatures is well-founded as they are known to spread diseases.

    Diseases spread by rats

    • Bubonic plague;
    • Rat bite fever;
    • Leptospirosis;
    • Hantavirus;
    • Trichinosis;
    • Infectious jaundice;
    • Dermatitis;
    • Salmonellae;
    • Pulmonary fever; &
    • Typhus.

    Other reasons why you need rat control

    • Food spoilage;
    • Exposure to other pests including fleas, mites, lice and ticks who feed on their blood; &
    • Damage to appliances, furniture, books, utilities, vehicles and structures through gnawing.

    They have even been known to cause fires by gnawing on cables and exposing electrical wiring, which can easily spark a blaze.

    13 tell tale signs that indicate a rodent infestation

    • Live sightings – this will be rare because the rat is wary of humans and is active at night when we are generally sleeping. A daytime sighting is indicative of a population explosion;
    • Carcasses – predators, including cats and dogs, may leave dead rodents in plain site. Cats in particular will often seek your praise after a successful catch and kill;
    • Droppings – they will be randomly scattered near runways, feeding and nesting sites;
    • Tracks – paw prints and a distinct tail drag may be visible in dirt, mud or dust;
    • Gnaw Marks – incisor teeth continue to grow so this growth is kept in check by gnawing on hard objects including wooden beams;
    • Runways – look for distinct trails in dirt or a worn strip of grass as they follow a common route from a nest to feeding site;
    • Burrows – these can be found along fences, walls, under garbage, woodpiles or concrete slabs;
    • Grease Marks – check around possible entrance holes for greasy rub marks transferred from repeated contact with oily fur;
    • Urine – a urine smell may be evident although a stain will be difficult to detect without proper lighting;
    • Nests – they may look live a woven ball made of cloth, shredded paper, twigs and other available materials and may be found in closets, roof spaces, wall cavities, utility cupboards, sub-floors, garages and sheds;
    • Sounds – scurrying, gnawing, scratching and squeaking;
    • Odours – a musky smell may be evident, especially in poorly ventilated areas; &
    • Excited Pets – an overly enthusiastic dog or cat may be a sign of a problem. They may claw at a wall, cabinet or pantry closet if they sense a presence.

    Effective Rat Control

    There are many steps you can take to attempt to keep rodents out of your home or workplace. Sanitation is a crucial element in effective rat control. Any vegetation close to an inhabited structure should be regularly maintained. Grass clippings, tree cuttings and wood piles provide ideal shelter so discard what you don’t need and store on an elevated platform what you would like to retain. Make sure garbage bins have a secure lid and any leaking pipes or taps should be repaired. If you remove food, water and shelter, you generally remove the rat problem.

    You should conduct a thorough inspection of your building for possible points of entry. The smallest of gaps will provide ample entry space so securely seal these sites. Rats are exceptional climbers so you may need to cut back trees that overhang your roof line. If the rat infestation continues you will require intervention by a licensed pest control company.

    Rodent Control Melbourne | Pest Control Empire Melbourne

    We offer a reliable, cost effective service that complies with all legislative requirements.

    Our integrated pest management approach will identify the source of rat infestation then set about its removal using cultural, biological, mechanical and chemical controls. A combination of chemical and non-chemical treatments will usually be applied.

    • Traps (glue boards for commercial food premises);
    • Rodenticides including bait and tracking powder; &
    • Tamper proof bait stations.

    Management, particularly for commercial and industrial clients is an ongoing process. All strategies employed will be made with your full consultation and approval. We assure discretion and work flexible hours to meet your needs and the needs of your clients. To speak with a technician contact 1300 665 573 or complete the Contact Us form and we’ll call you at an opportune time.