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Bird Spikes used to deter roosting birds

Pest Control Empire Successfully Completes Bird Spike Installation at Brimbank City Council in Sunshine

Bird Spike Installation

Pest Control Empire recently completed a significant bird spike installation project at the Brimbank City Council offices located at 301 Hampshire Road, Sunshine. This task was essential for addressing an ongoing issue with pigeons and seagulls, which had been using the building’s awnings as ideal roosting spots.

The design of the Brimbank City Council building features expansive awnings that provide perfect perching and nesting locations for birds. While these structures add to the architectural appeal, they inadvertently invite unwanted avian guests. Pigeons and seagulls, in particular, are notorious for taking up residence in such sheltered spots, leading to a host of problems.

Problems Caused by Roosting Birds

Birds like pigeons and seagulls might seem harmless, but their presence can cause significant damage and health risks. One of the most pressing issues is the accumulation of bird droppings. These droppings are not just unsightly; they are highly acidic and can corrode building materials over time. This can lead to costly repairs if left unaddressed.

Bird Spike Install in Melbourne
Boom lift in use to safely install bird spikes to Brimbank City Council building in Sushine.

Moreover, bird droppings are a known carrier of numerous diseases that can pose serious health risks to humans. Histoplasmosis, psittacosis, and cryptococcosis are just a few examples of diseases associated with bird droppings. These diseases can be contracted by inhaling airborne particles from dried droppings, making the presence of roosting birds a potential public health hazard.

In addition to health risks, the presence of birds can create a negative image for any business or public institution. The sight of bird droppings around entryways, windows, and ledges is off-putting and can detract from the professional appearance of a building.

The Benefits of Bird Spikes

To address these issues, Pest Control Empire opted to install bird spikes on the awnings of the Brimbank City Council building. Bird spikes are a highly effective and humane solution for deterring birds from roosting in undesirable locations.

One of the significant advantages of bird spikes is that they do not cause harm to the birds. The spikes are designed to make landing and perching uncomfortable for birds, prompting them to find alternative roosting sites. This ensures that the birds are not injured, while still effectively preventing them from settling on the building.

Bird Spike Install at Brimbank City Council Building
Pest Control Empire uses bird spikes to humanely deter birds from roosting on buildings in Melbourne.

Another benefit of bird spikes is their durability and low maintenance. Once installed, they require minimal upkeep and provide a long-lasting solution to bird problems. This makes them a cost-effective investment for buildings prone to bird issues. Safety is paramount when working at height:

“Safety is our top priority at Pest Control Empire. When installing bird spikes on tall buildings, we always use the proper safety equipment, including a boom lift and harnesses, to ensure our team can work efficiently and securely at heights.” — Tim Clinnick, Owner of Pest Control Empire

The bird spikes used in this project were supplied by PestIT, a company renowned for its expertise in bird management. The stock was provided by Peter McCarthy, a preeminent bird expert who has extensive experience in the field. With his knowledge and the quality of PestIT products, the bird spike installation at Brimbank City Council was completed with the highest standards of effectiveness and safety.

In conclusion, the bird spike installation by Pest Control Empire at Brimbank City Council has not only resolved the immediate bird problem but has also protected the building from future issues. This project is a testament to the importance of proactive bird management and the effectiveness of humane solutions like bird spikes. For all bird control requirements be sure to contact us online or call 1300 66 55 73.